Calendar « Prev February 2019 Next » Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 2* Daily MassDaily Mass Daily Mass is held Monday - Saturday at 8:15 am * ConfessionsConfessions Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 3:30 - 4 pm or by appointment. 3* Sunday MassesSunday Masses 8:30 am; 10:30 am (Children's); 12:30 pm (Spanish) 4* Kids Choir Practice Kids Choir Practice 6:30 - 7:30 pm in Church 5* Bible Study (Spanish)Bible Study (Spanish) Tuesday 6 - 9 pm 6* John Paul the 23rd MovementJohn Paul the 23rd Movement Social Center Gym 7 - 9 pm (Spanish)* St. Jude Novena MassSt. Jude Novena Mass Time: 5:30 pm5:30 pm on Tuesdays 7* Bible Study (Spanish)Bible Study (Spanish) Thursday 6 - 9 pm 8 9* Daily MassDaily Mass Daily Mass is held Monday - Saturday at 8:15 am * ConfessionsConfessions Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 3:30 - 4 pm or by appointment. 10* Sunday MassesSunday Masses 8:30 am; 10:30 am (Children's); 12:30 pm (Spanish) 11* Kids Choir Practice Kids Choir Practice 6:30 - 7:30 pm in Church 12* Bible Study (Spanish)Bible Study (Spanish) Tuesday 6 - 9 pm 13* John Paul the 23rd MovementJohn Paul the 23rd Movement Social Center Gym 7 - 9 pm (Spanish)* St. Jude Novena MassSt. Jude Novena Mass Time: 5:30 pm5:30 pm on Tuesdays 14* Bible Study (Spanish)Bible Study (Spanish) Thursday 6 - 9 pm 15 16* Daily MassDaily Mass Daily Mass is held Monday - Saturday at 8:15 am * ConfessionsConfessions Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 3:30 - 4 pm or by appointment. 17* Sunday MassesSunday Masses 8:30 am; 10:30 am (Children's); 12:30 pm (Spanish) 18* Kids Choir Practice Kids Choir Practice 6:30 - 7:30 pm in Church 19* Bible Study (Spanish)Bible Study (Spanish) Tuesday 6 - 9 pm 20* John Paul the 23rd MovementJohn Paul the 23rd Movement Social Center Gym 7 - 9 pm (Spanish)* St. Jude Novena MassSt. Jude Novena Mass Time: 5:30 pm5:30 pm on Tuesdays 21* Bible Study (Spanish)Bible Study (Spanish) Thursday 6 - 9 pm 22 23* Daily MassDaily Mass Daily Mass is held Monday - Saturday at 8:15 am * ConfessionsConfessions Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 3:30 - 4 pm or by appointment. 24* Sunday MassesSunday Masses 8:30 am; 10:30 am (Children's); 12:30 pm (Spanish) 25* Kids Choir Practice Kids Choir Practice 6:30 - 7:30 pm in Church 26* Bible Study (Spanish)Bible Study (Spanish) Tuesday 6 - 9 pm 27* John Paul the 23rd MovementJohn Paul the 23rd Movement Social Center Gym 7 - 9 pm (Spanish)* St. Jude Novena MassSt. Jude Novena Mass Time: 5:30 pm5:30 pm on Tuesdays 28* Bible Study (Spanish)Bible Study (Spanish) Thursday 6 - 9 pm Calendar developed and supported by Kieran O'Shea