St. Jude Novena 2016

Thursday, October 20 Fr. Ryan Sliwa, Parochial Vicar, Holy Cross, Springfield

Friday, October 21 Msgr. Christopher Connelly, Vicar General of the Diocese and

Rector, St. Michael’s Cathedral, Springfield

Monday, October 24 Fr. Thomas Shea, Retired

Tuesday, October 25 Fr. C. J. Waitekus, Pastor, St. Mary’s, Longmeadow

Wednesday, October 26 Sr. Betsy Sullivan, Vice-President, Sisters of St. Joseph

Thursday, October 27 Fr. Wayne Biernat, Pastor, St. Michael’s, East Longmeadow

Friday, October 28 Sr. Melinda Pellerin, SSJ

Join us weeknights at 5:30p.m. Also, please know that the Novena Prayer will be prayed at all Weekend Masses.


If you are unable to make the entire Novena, please come as many nights as you can.


All intentions remain on the altar throughout the Novena.

33 Days to Divine Mercy Retreat at Home

Have you wished to go on a retreat but not been able to do so for whatever reason? Now is your chance to join with others on a free, stay at home, 33 day retreat right here at Holy Name.

On Oct. 13th, a group of us will get together after the 8:15 a.m. Mass to begin a retreat using the 33 Days to Divine Mercy book by Fr. Gaitley. The participants will read the entry for each day at home. Then on four consecutive Thursday mornings we will meet in the Cry room after Mass to discuss the previous readings. If you would like to join us, please sign up with Ann in the office. We would like to have a count on those interested so we can have enough books available for the participants. Wouldn’t this would be a splendid way to end the Jubilee Year of Mercy?

Religious Education Information

Please consider sharing your faith with the youth of our Parish. Assistance at all levels is needed. We need catechists, classroom aids and substitutes. Join us this fall–we all have something to offer!

Registration forms for all grades (K-11) are available at all entrances of the church and at the Rectory. Please note: Students attending Parochial School (St. Michael’s, Pope Francis, etc.) must register with the Religious Education Office and take the corresponding course to be eligible to receive a sacrament (First Communion or Confirmation). Important dates coming up:

*Catechetical Sunday is September 18th

*Religious Education Orientation for students and parents is September 18th in the Social Center right after the 9:45a.m. Mass

*Confirmation students and parents meet in the church on September 18th at 6:30p.m.

Religious Education Coordinator contact email is [email protected]