The Ascension of the Lord, Thursday, May 25th, is a holy day of obligation.
The Masses are at 8:15a.m. and 5:30p.m. The Vigil Mass is on Wednesday at 5:30p.m.
The Ascension of the Lord, Thursday, May 25th, is a holy day of obligation.
The Masses are at 8:15a.m. and 5:30p.m. The Vigil Mass is on Wednesday at 5:30p.m.
SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2024
At King Philip Stockade , on route 5 across from Picknelly Field at the Springfield/ Longmeadow line. Mass at 11.30; food served until 2:30. There will be magicians, pony rides and more. Tickets are $6.00 per person for ages 13 & over or $20.00 for families (2 adults & children). They will be on sale the weekends of May 20 & 21, 27 & 28, and June 3 & 4.
First Communion Rehearsals – Tuesday and Thursday, May 9th & 11th at the Church. First Communion is Saturday, May 13thth at 10:00a.m.
Sacrament of the Sick
will be administered this weekend directly after the 4:30p.m. Mass on Saturday and 5:30p.m. Mass on Sunday.