Adoration on Tuesdays

Adoration will be on Tuesdays starting December 3, 2019. Enter the Church by the Tabernacle entrance. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed from 1pm until 5pm. At 5pm, we will pray a rosary, and after the rosary we will have benediction, with the St. Jude Mass to follow.

Advent Bible Study

Please join us as we explore the Gospel of Luke during this Advent Season. We will meet in the cry room for Prayer, Bible Study and Reflection on Tuesdays, December 1st - 17th, right after the 8:15 am Mass/Adoration for 45-50 minutes. For more information, please see Sr. Melinda or Deacon Mike.

Holy Name Christmas Party

You are Warmly Invited to our

Annual Parish Christmas Gathering

Saturday, December 14th following the 4:30p.m. Mass

We will be treated to Christmas carols and music by D.J. Mad Max. As always, there will be an appearance by Santa Claus along with a delicious dinner and dessert.

Tickets - $10 per adult; $5 per child ages 6-14; ages 5 and under are FREE. Tickets will be sold at Masses the weekends of Nov. 23 & 24; Nov. 30 & Dec. 1; and Dec. 7 & 8. You can reserve a table of 8 when 8 tickets are purchased together by calling Ann at the rectory, 733-5823, ext. 113. As always, no tickets will be sold after December 8th (we need to give the caterer an accurate count the Monday before the party).

Wanted: New Altar Servers

We’re looking for a few reliable young men and women who would be willing to serve their parish as altar servers. Forms for sign up are located at the church entrances and will be available at the religious education program. If you have any questions or would like more information, please call Fr. Joyce at 733-5823, ext. 161.

Help Assemble Thanksgiving Baskets

We will be sorting the food and assembling the Thanksgiving baskets on Monday, November 25th, at 6:00p.m. in the Church. This is a great family activity with jobs for everyone. Please join us if you can - Many hands make light work!

Thanksgiving Day Mass

On Thursday, November 28th, at 9:00a.m. we will celebrate our Annual Thanksgiving Day Mass. This has been a long standing tradition at Holy Name Parish. Parishioners are invited to bring food and wine, which will be used at their Thanksgiving Dinner to be blessed at the Mass.