Holy Name Parish
323 Dickinson Street, Springfield, MA 01108       (413)733-5823

Home Page
Mass and Sacrament Schedule
Parish Staff
Religious Education
Growing in Our Catholic Faith
Liturgical Ministries
Parish Activities and Organizations
Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers
Open to children in grade 4 and up.
Contact person: Msgr. David Joyce

Altar Servers Schedule

Altar server schedule for Last week of Jan/Feb 2016

Altar server schedule for January 2016

Open to all active parishioners who have been confirmed, to proclaim the Word at Masses.
Contact person: Virginia Thomas (413) 733-6898

Lector Schedule for Winter 2016

Children's Mass Team
Needs adult members to plan and assist with the 9:45 Children's Masses, and children ages 7-18 to participate as lectors, greeters, choir members, etc.
Contact: Jeanne Haley (413) 788-8589

Junior Lector Schedule for February 2016

Eucharistic Ministers
Open to all active parishioners who have been confirmed.
Contact person: Sr. Melinda (413) 781-1785

Music Ministry
The Holy Name Music Ministry proclaims the message of Jesus Christ through praise and hymns.

Choir - sings at special events
Director of Music: Tom Veto (413) 250-7812

Wings of Praise - sings at Sunday 5:30 pm; Practice Thursdays at 5:30 pm
Contact: Doris Poirier (860) 888-2406 or after 5:30 pm Mass

Spanish Choir - sings at Sunday 12:30 pm; Practice Wednesday from 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Contact: Arcangel Santiago

Holy Name Kids Choir - Practice is every Monday 6:30 - 7:30 pm. Music Director is Tom Veto. This choir will sing at the 9:45 am Mass on the last Sunday of the month.

Holy Name Teen Choir (ages 11 and up) - Practice is on Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 pm in Church. Music Director is Doris Poirier

Adults who assist with the preparation of the altar for Mass, find Eucharistic ministers, lectors, etc. when needed.
Training for new sacristan is done individually
Contact person: Margaret Martin (413) 737-4471

Assist in passing the collection basket at all Masses.
Contact person: Deacon John Vennard (413) 733-5823

We welcome and greet all people who wish to share in Christ as they come to Holy Name Church. It would be wonderful to have Greeters at each door at each Mass.
Contact person: Kit Devlin (413) 782-0075
Trudy Devlin (413) 567-0072

Church Decorations
The Church is decorated at Christmas and Easter by volunteers. The Chairperson, in consultation with the Rectory, orders necessary flowers and plants and helps to plan the decor.
Contact person: Sr. Melinda (413) 781-1785