Donate School Supplies

We are pleased to participate once again in the Father Beiting’s Appalachian Mission to get school backpacks ready for the upcoming school year. Now is a perfect time to take advantage of the many great school supplies sales going on.

To participate: Please match the first letter of your last name to the wish list. We will be collecting the items for the next two weekends – August 19 & 20 and 26 & 27, and will be packing them on Tuesday, August 29th. Collection boxes will be at the church entrances. Thank you!

ABC: #2 pencils, 3-ring binders

DEF: crayons (24 count), rulers

GHIJ: washable markers, glue sticks

KLM: Kleenex, small calculators

NOP: colored pencils, assignment books

QRSTU: regular scissors, loose-leaf notebooks

VWXYZ: folders with pockets


Financial donations to help defray the shipping costs are also greatly appreciated. Checks may be made payable to Holy Name Parish (in the lower corner please note: Father Beiting’s Appalachian Mission). Place donations in the collection basket in an envelope marked School Supplies or mail to the Rectory.

Volunteers will gather in the altar server room on Tuesday evening, August 29th, immediately following the St. Jude Novena Mass, to assemble the boxes. If you can help, please come by! All are welcome! This is sponsored by the Community Service Commission of Holy Name Parish.

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