Parish Activities
Springfield, MA 01108 323 Dickinson Street
tel (413) 733 - 5823 fax (413) 788 -6481 |
Athletic Association
Baseball: Contact person: Rick Roy 781-0787
Soccer: Contact person: Dick Johnston 636-5257
Every Wednesday
7 - 10 p.m.�Doors open at 4 p.m. -Bring friend.
Web Team
The Holy Name Website Team is a small group of volunteers
with Website design and development experience who are collaborating to
build a comprehensive Web site for the Holy Name community.
You are invited to pitch in with the effort. We would love to have your
help. If you have any experience with designing and/or making Web sites,
we welcome your participation.
Please contact Anna Blahut.
Interested parties may visit Anna's Web site at
abgraphic.net or
may contact her by E-mail: [email protected]
Forever Young
Open to all golden ages who are young at heart.
Group offers speakers on various topics, group trips and more. Meets the
first Monday of the month at 1:00 in the social center.
Contact Person: Florence Zepke 733-3610
Men's Club
Provides pancake breakfasts, Hall of Fame party, Children's
Christmas party, and other Activities, along with ushering at Masses.
Open to all adult males.
Contact Person: John Vennard 733-2809
323 Dickinson Street
Springfield, MA 01108
Tel (413) 733 - 5823
Fax (413) 788 -6481