4:30��� ��Howard & Anne Ryan & the Shea
Family, by Anne & Tom
Sunday, 26 September Twenty-Sixth
Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00���� Dominick Devivo, Jr. by the family
9:45�� ��Selma Arrab, her
������������ ��(Children�s
11:00���� Christine Weckerly, by her family
12:30���� Vietnamese Mass
5:30����� Donald White, by his wife, daughter & family
Monday, 27 September
6:45���� Celebrant�s
8:15� ���John
& Ella Speight, by their daughter Elizabeth
6:45���� Celebrant�s Intention
8:15���� �Jean
Basler (1st Anniversary), by her sisters Mary &
5:30����� St. Jude
Novena Mass
6:45���� Holy Name Parishioners, by Fr. John
8:15��� �Victor T. Julian and daughter Joanne, by
their family
6:45���� Celebrant�s Intention
8:15��� Thanksgiving to the Infant Jesus
of Prague by Marilyn
Friday, 1
6:45���� Celebrant�s Intention
8:15��� Edward Quinn (2nd Anniversary), by
Sr. Ruth Virginia
8:15���� In
Honor of 41st Wedding Anniversary of Robert and Linda Wysoki, by
the Moran family
8:45����� Vietnamese Mass
4:30�� ��Mary B. Kennedy, 36th
Anniversary, by Mr.& Mrs. ��������������������������� Emile
Sunday, 3 October Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00�� �Francesco Daniele, by Francesco Carrano, Francesca
��������������������������������������������������� �Albano & Francesco Daniele
9:45� ��John D. Powers, his family
(Children�s Mass)
11:00� ��Rosary Altar Society
12:30��� Vietnamese Mass
5:30���� �Annie
Murphy, by the family
�� Sacred Scripture Readings
Sunday �� Amos 6: 4-7; 1 Tim. 6: 11-16; Lk. 16: 19-31
Monday�� Job 1: 6-22; Lk. 9:46-50
Tuesday �� Job 3: 1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Lk. 9: 51-56
Wednesday �� Rv. 12: 7-12; Jn. 1: 47-51
Thursday �� Job 19: 21-27; Lk 10: 1-12
Friday � �Job 38: 1-21; Lk 10: 13-16
Saturday �
Job 42: 1-17; Lk. 10: 17-24
Altar Servers Next Weekend -� Oct. 2 & 3:
Sat. �4:30- J. Asselin, A. Finn-Atkins
Sun. 8:00-
A. Arpino, A. Arpino
������� 9:45-
K. Hager, P. Hager, R. Hager
������ 11:00-� J. Rivers, M. Drees
������ 5:30-
�R. Gagne, M. Cignoli, E. Cignoli
Altar Servers: Please pick up your new schedule in the sacristy
or...visit our website at www.holynamespringfield.org
and click on Liturgical Ministries.
Stop by the church on Tuesdays for
���� Every Tuesday � 9 AM to 5
Exposition immediately following the 8:15 AM
Tuesday� Mass...Closing Prayers and
Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament are at 5 PM followed by the 5:30 PM St.
Jude novena Mass.
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal will host a Liturgy of Healing & Evangelization on Sunday, October 3 at 2PM at Holy Name Church.
Teen Christian
Band/Singing Group & Liturgical Dance Troop Forming Now! �Are you a teen
who loves to play music and sing? Do you enjoy interpretive dance? Then we want
to hear from you. We are in the process of forming a teen contemporary
Christian Band, Singing Group as well as a Liturgical Dance Troop that will
periodically participate at a weekend liturgy. If you are interested and would
like to learn more, pick-up a Registration Form at the front of the church or call
Rose in Religious Education at 736-4145.
On Monday,
September 27th, an open forum for members of our parish and
other parishes in the area will be held at 7
PM in the Holy Name Social Center. Following a discussion on concerns
expressed in the last meeting in June, Laura Reilly from the Diocese will speak
on her responsibilities as Director for the Office of Social and Pastoral
Concern. Please join us for this informative and worthwhile program.
Lector Schedule Next Weekend - Oct. 2
& 3:
Sat. 4:30 � Sheila Burke
Sun. 8:00 � John Flahive
������� 9:45 � Children�s Mass
����� 11:00 � Rose Sattler
������� 5:30 � Anne-Marie Ferraro��������
Have you
registered your child?
There is still time to register your child for CCD
classes, First Penance/First Eucharist and Confirmation for the 2004/2005 year!
We offer classes for preschool through 10th grade. Registration
forms are available at the front of the church.
scheduled class: Sunday, October 3rd, right after the Children�s Mass.
Classes run from 10:45am-12noon.
Teachers/Classroom Assistants needed! Do you enjoy being and working with children and/or young adults?
Would you like to share your Faith in a vibrant teaching and learning
environment making a difference in the youth of our Parish? Then we need YOU on our Religious Education Team! Contact Rose to discover how God may be
calling you for this very special vocation.
workshop for CCD Team Teachers & Classroom Assistants: Saturday, October 3rd from 9am-10:30am in the Rectory. Come learn helpful hints on how to
ignite the Spirit of God in your students. Refreshments will be served. Please
call to confirm you attendance!
of September 26th � Special CCD Collection!� There will be
a special collection this weekend at all Masses to help support the Religious
Education Department at Holy Name. Please look for the specially �marked�
envelope in your envelope packet or place your donation in a regular envelope
and mark, �CCD� on it. This is a once
a year event. Please be generous and help support this great program!
Religious Education Office Hours: Mon, Wed, & Fri from
9AM-3PM. DRE: Rose
Talbot-Babey � 736-4145.
Youth Basketball Signups!!!!
������������������ ���� ��
The Holy Name Athletic Association announces there will be basketball signups for boys and girls this weekend after each of the Sunday Masses Sept. 26 at 8am, 9:45am, 11:00am and 5:30pm.�
K-2nd grade������� Instructional Fee - $30
3rd-8th grade���� C.Y.O. Fee - $70��
(make checks payable to H.N.A.A.)
Signups will also be held on Sunday, October 3rd and 10th from 8am-12noon at the back door of the church. (If rain- in the Social Center. And on Tuesday, October 5th 6pm-8pm in the Social Center.�����������������������������������������
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Sick or
Shut-in Visits - Please
let the rectory staff (733-5823) know when a friend or relative is in the
hospital, in a nursing home or would like a visit at home from one of the
priests or pastoral staff. If you have a request for the Prayer Line, please call Anne-Marie
at the Rectory 781-1785.
1.� We are in
need of more Ministers of Holy Communion to visit the homebound. Please call
Anne-Marie at 782-1785 if you are able to participate in this important
��������������� Are you an Adult
and have not received the
Sacrament of Confirmation?�
Prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at Holy Name Parish by joining our RCIA group.� We will meet Monday evenings from 10/4/04 to 3/21/05 for one hour from 6:30�7:30pm at the Holy Name Rectory.� Learn more about your faith in new and exciting ways while preparing for the sacrament.�
If you have not been baptized and/or received 1st Communion you are invited as well.� If you would like to know more information or if you just want to try us out please contact the RCIA Director, Karen Matz by leaving a message at 733-5823.
Wednesday � Holy Name Social Center
Alderman Street 7:00-10:00 pm
Doors open at 4:00 pm � Bring a friend!
We need paper bags!
Bulletin Advertiser
of the Week: We would like to
thank Felix�s Auto Body for
advertising in our weekly bulletin. Please patronize our bulletin advertisers.
The Sisters
of St. Joseph will be selling raffle
tickets for the 21st craft festival Oct. 8-10 after all the Masses
this weekend. The annual craft festival will be held October 8-10 at Mont Marie
on Lower Westfield Road, Holyoke.
Each week we spotlight a particular website which may
be of interest to some of our parishioners. This week�s website of the week: www.newadvent.org.
Loaves and
Fishes: We will be serving hot dogs
and beans on Monday, November 4th at Christ Church Cathedral.
Volunteers are always welcome! For information please contact Arline Felton at 782-6767.
Periodically in our new bulletin there will be a column, entitled, �And
the WORD is�� This is a short reflection column that focuses on a specific
And the WORD is���
by Fr. John Connors
Time is so precious to us that most of us do not have enough of it.�� Time is what we want the most, but it is what we use the worst.� Investing time in prayer is something that can be very challenging to us.� And yet, not taking time for prayer can cost us time in anxiety, frustration, and confusion.��
An unknown author captured this notion in the following poem.� In reading this, let us take time to ask ourselves:� is this me?
�I got up early one morning,
�and I rushed right into the day;
I had so much to accomplish,
�that I did not have time to pray.
Problems just tumbled about me,
and heavier came each task.
�Why doesn�t God help me?� I wondered.
�He answered, �Because you did not ask.�
I wanted to see joy and beauty;
�but the day toiled on, gray and bleak.� ����������
I wondered, �Why didn�t God show me?�
He said, �Because you didn�t seek.�
I tried to come into God�s presence; �����������������
I used all my keys at the lock.�
God gently and lovingly chided,
�My child you just have to knock.�
I woke up early this morning.�
And paused before entering the day.
I had so much to accomplish,
that I had to take time to pray!
Training for those children interested in serving as
altar servers will begin on Tuesday,
September 28th at 7PM in the church. Look for brochures at the
entrances or call the Rectory at 733-5823 for information.
Next weekend, we are delighted to welcome Mary Verdi to perform at our Saturday 4:30, Sunday 9:45, 11:00 and 5:30 Masses. Mary was the cantor for Mercy Sunday at the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA and is a member of the St. Agnes Fold Choir in Dalton, MA. She will be singing songs from her debut CD �Ocean For Travel�. For more information: www.maryverdi.com.
Thank you
RE/CCD Catechists!!!
We are blessed to have volunteer catechists who teach the curriculum of Religious Education/CCD.� They are volunteers who give of themselves to sow God�s word in the youth of our parish.� Please keep them and their students in your prayer throughout the year!� Again, thank you to all who help and serve our parish in the Religious Education/CCD program.
Donna Langlois/Michelle Tyler
Deb Josefiak/Cheryl Mort
Mary Feliciano/Maria Malmborg
Linda Kashmanian/Maria Prendergast
Susan Malone/Cati Josefiak
Sandra Hines/Liz Seuffert
John Moran/Barbara Delisle
Cynthia Caliento/Claudine Collins
Patricia Raschi/Virginia Taylor
Mary Millimet/Nicole Tranghese
Stephen Carey/Salvatore Circosta
Joe Dougherty
Sister Ruth Virginia, ssj
Confirmation Coordinator:
Mary Lu Irvine
to benefit
FIRST PRIZE������ $20,000
SECOND PRIZE�� �� $1,000
THIRD PRIZE����� ������
Drawing to be held on December
at Holy Name Social Center
53 Alderman Street
$100 per
Only 500
tickets will be printed
For Information Call Linda
at the Rectory 733-5823
Tickets on Sale at the
Rectory Office