Mass Intentions This Week

������������������� 28 August � 5 September 2004

Saturday, 28 August

4:30���� Margaret Shea, by Janet

Sunday, 29 August Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00���� John Sowers, by the family

9:45���� Raymond Dupre, by wife & family

��������������� (Children�s Mass)

11:00���� Patrick Talty, by his family

12:30���� Vietnamese Mass

5:30����� John�Jack� Doyle, by wife

Monday, 30 August

6:45���� Celebrant�s Intention

8:15���� Walter, Sarah and Louis Mee, by the family

Tuesday, 31 August

6:45����� Celebrant�s Intention

8:15���� John Moriarty, by his family

5:30����� St. Jude Novena Mass

Wednesday, 1 September

6:45���� Holy Name Parishioners, by Fr. John Connors

8:15���� Robert Gonnello, by his wife

Thursday, 2 September

6:45���� Mary Teresa DelNegro, by Mary

8:15���� Catherine Ashe, by her family

Friday, 3 September

6:45���� Natale Commisso, by the family

8:15���� Tommy Hayes, by his mother

Saturday, 4 September

8:15���� Hugh J. Barrett, by his family

8:45����� Vietnamese Mass

4:30�� ��Bridget Curran, by her family

Sunday, 5 September Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00�� Celebrant�s Intention

9:45���William & Elizabeth Kirkpatrick, by daughter Mary

���������������� (Children�s Mass)

11:00�� Nellie & Alphonse Gentile, by the family

12:30��� Vietnamese Mass

2:00����� CCR � Healing and Evangelization Mass

5:30���� Eleanor Wentworth, by her sister


�� Sacred Scripture Readings

Sunday Sir. 3: 17-29; Heb. 12: 18-24; Lk. 14:7-14

Monday1 Cor. 2: 1-5; Lk. 4: 16-30

Tuesday 1 Cor 2: 10-16; Lk. 4: 31-37

Wednesday 1 Cor. 3: 1-9; Lk. 4: 38-44

Thursday 1 Cor. 3: 18-23; Lk. 5: 1-11

Friday � 1 Cor. 4: 1-5; Lk. 5: 33-39

Saturday � 1 Cor. 4: 6-15p; Lk. 6: 1-5


Altar Servers Attending This Weekend Are:

Sat. 4:30- C. Ward, W. Ward

Sun. 8:00- F. Brodeur, C. Brodeur

������� 9:45- H. Kos, M. Trinidad

������ 11:00-M. Drees, C. Guilbert

������ 5:30- A. Hiller, R. Gagnon


Altar Servers:Please pick up your new schedules in the sacristy or...visit our website at www.


Sunday, September 5 at 2:00PM the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service Committee will sponsor a liturgy of healing & evangelization at Holy Name Church.







Stop by the church on Tuesdays for prayer.........

���Every Tuesday � 9 AM to 5 PM


Exposition immediately following the 8:15 AM TuesdayMass...Closing Prayers and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament are at 5 PM followed by the 5:30 PM St. Jude novena Mass.


The Food Pantry shelves are almost empty! Please help our neighbors in need by bringing donations of canned fruit, soups, peanut butter and jelly, canned pastas, tuna fish, spaghetti sauce,instant coffee, macaroni and cheese to the sacristy area of the church.


Thank you... to all who donated school supplies and money to our �back to school in Kentucky� project. Through your generous support we were able to send over 1000 pounds of supplies to the needy children in Appalachia. Additional thanks to Fr. John, Pren Boss and her Community Service Commission, Michael Taylor and Mark Desroches.


Bishop Timothy A. McDonnell will celebrate the annual Red Mass at St. Michael�s Cathedral on Sunday, October 3 at 4pm. This special Mass is held annually in diocese across the United States to ask God�s blessing upon all protectors and administrators of the law, including judges, lawyers and those involved in our legal system.


This year�s honorees include: Judge William Walsh, Judge Thomas Curley, Jr., Judge Daniel Keyes, Jr., Atty. John Callahan, Atty. Charles McCarthy, Atty. Mary Egan Boland, and Rev. Curtis Shaird.


The Mass is open to the public. Tickets for the reception that follows at the Springfield Marriot may be obtained by contacting William Kern at 734-3119 or Edward McDonough at 737-0260 or James Tourtelotte at 732-2301.

























The Religious Education Office is now open.Rose Talbot-Babey, our Director of Religious Education, is in the office on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am-3:00pm. Have questions? Please don�t hesitate to call her at 736-4145.


Registration for CCD classes for September 2004 has begun. We offer classes for preschool through 10th grade. Registration forms are available in the front of the church. First Communion and Confirmation are also available.


Team Teachers/classroom assistants � Do you enjoy being and working with children and/or young adults? Would you like to share your faith in a vibrant teaching and learning environment making a difference in the youth of our Parish? Then we need YOU on our Religious Education Team! Contact Rose to discover how God may be calling you for this very special vocation.


Religious Education Board Meeting � Monday, September 13th at 7:00pm in the Social Center Conference Room.



Every Wednesday � Holy Name Social Center

Alderman Street 7:00-10:00 pm

Doors open at 4:00 pm � Bring a friend!

We need paper bags!


Social Center Lettering.....


We now have lettering up that says, �Holy Name Social Center� on the front side of the building (Alderman Street) and on the parking lot side as well.The Alderman Street side also now contains our address.This is important because Fire and Police need an address and a building name to respond to calls.Before this month, we had nothing on our Social Center to identify it.This will also help those who are visiting our Social Center for basketball and other events.Often they find it difficult to determine if that was the correct building.We are grateful to have this lettering for safety and identification purposes.


The money for this project was donated by Holy Name parishioner Mrs. Josephine Fontaine in memory of her grandson, Tyler Ugolyn, who was killed in the World Trade Center on September 11th.�� Mrs. Fontaine called Fr. John Connors a few months ago to discuss a donation.After hearing that Tyler was a 24-year old basketball coach of youth sports it was determined that putting lettering up would be a fitting memorial on a building that provides so much basketball for youth in our community.As noted above, this new lettering is desperately needed and can provide a sense of pride for our Holy Name community.We are grateful to Mrs. Fontaine for her generosity.The 8:15am Saturday morning Mass on September 11th will be offered for her grandson, Tyler.







Sick or Shut-in Visits - Please let the rectory staff (733-5823) know when a friend or relative is in the hospital, in a nursing home or would like a visit at home from one of the priests or pastoral staff. If you have a request for the Prayer Line, please call Anne-Marie at the Rectory 781-1785.


1.We are in need of more Ministers of Holy Communion to visit the homebound. Please call Anne-Marie at 782-1785 if you are able to participate in this important ministry.


$20,000 RAFFLE:Tickets are on sale now for the big raffle to benefit Holy Name Social Center. Tickets are $100 each.1st Prize is $20,000; 2nd Prize is $1,000; 3rd Prize is $500.The drawing will be held on Dec. 4th at the Social Center and you need not be present to win. Only 500 tickets will be printed. For tickets and information call Lynn at 734-7113 or Linda at the rectory office 733-5823.�������


Soccer Fall 2004 Newsflash!


We have room for girls in the under 10 team/ Springfield


There are some openings in the under 8 and in the under 6

��� instructional programs.

We are seeking a coach for the under 13 Boys soccer team.


To sign up or volunteer to help, please call Dick Johnston at 636-5257.


The Men�s Club Annual Communion Breakfast will be held on Sunday, September 12th in the Social Center following the 8:00 AM Mass. This Mass is being offered in memory of all deceased members. Please join us!


Attention Holy Name School Parents! Please consider having your child participate in the Holy Name School Band. Instrumental music is an important part of education. Students will bring home information sheets in September. Band is available to all Holy Name School students grades 3-8.


Loaves and Fishes: We will be serving American chop suey on Monday, September 6th at Christ Church Cathedral. Volunteers are always welcome! For information please call Arline Felton at 782-6767.


�Getting to Know Us� � Informational Breakfast Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.All Catholic women are invited to an exciting, inspirational and informational fun filled morning. Saturday, Sept. 11th from 8:30am-11:00am. The cost is $17 per person. Registration Deadline � Sept. 5th. For reservations and/or information call Mary 543-1325 or Suzanne 543-4487.