Mass Intentions This Week

��������� ��������9 October � 17 October 2004

Saturday, 9 October

4:30��� ��John Bellew, by daughter Joan & family

Sunday, 10 October Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00���� Otto Zepke, by his wife

9:45�� ��Carmela Filippo Ieraci, by family�����������������

������������ ��(Children�s Mass)

11:00���� Raffaele Vivenzio, by his wife & children

12:30���� Vietnamese Mass

5:30����� Mark Montel, by his family

Monday, 11 October

6:45���� Celebrant�s Intention

8:15���Souls in Purgatory, a friend

Tuesday, 12 October

6:45���� Celebrant�s Intention

8:15���� Ray Hanson, by the family

5:30����� St. Jude Novena Mass

Wednesday, 13 October

6:45���� Holy Name Parishioners, by Fr. John Connors

8:15��� Michael Toms, by wife Pauline

Thursday, 14 October

6:45���� Celebrant�s Intention

8:15��� Thanksgiving to the Infant Jesus of Prague, by Marilyn

���������������������������������������� Barbour

Friday, 15 October

6:45���� Celebrant�s Intention

8:15��� Helen Litty, by family

Saturday, 16 October

8:15���� Celebrant�s Intention

8:45����� Vietnamese Mass

4:30�� ��John Curran, by the family

Sunday, 17 October Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00�� Joseph Whalen, by Bernie & Maureen Welz & family

9:45Mary Plass, by Witman Family �����������������

����������������� (Children�s Mass)

11:00Michael Toms, by his family

12:30��� Vietnamese Mass

5:30 ����Theresa Sampson, by John & Maria Duffey

�� Sacred Scripture Readings

Sunday 2 Kgs. 5: 14-17; 2 Tim. 2: 8-13; Lk. 17: 11-19

MondayGal. 4: 22-31; Lk. 11: 29-32

Tuesday Gal. 5: 1-6; Lk. 11: 37-41

Wednesday Gal. 5: 18-25; Lk. 11: 42-46

Thursday Eph. 1: 1-10; Lk. 11: 47-54

Friday � Eph. 1: 11-14; Lk. 12: 1-7

Saturday � Eph. 1: 15-23; Lk. 12: 8-12


Altar Servers Next Weekend � Oct. 16 & 17:

Sat. 4:30- T. Couture, J. Collura

Sun. 8:00- F. Brodeur, N. Brodeur

������� 9:45- L. Pham, N. Pham, J. Moran

������ 11:00-N. Lynch, C. Ward, W. Ward

����� 5:30- M. Blackmer, J. Reist


Lector Schedule Next Weekend - Oct. 16 & 17:

Sat. 4:30 � Loretta Vechiarelli

Sun. 8:00 � Robert McCormick

������� 9:45 � Children�s Mass

����� 11:00 � Patrice MacArthur

������� 5:30 � Marcia Scagliarini������������









Stop by the church on Tuesdays for prayer.........

���� Every Tuesday � 9 AM to 5 PM


Exposition immediately following the 8:15 AM TuesdayMass...Closing Prayers and Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament are at 5 PM followed by the 5:30 PM St. Jude novena Mass.


Our new parishioners, a Liberian refugee family, are beginning to get settled in the community. There is a need for a double bed and mattress, 2 bureaus and towels. Gift certificates for clothing and groceries are most welcome. If you are interested in assisting this family as they transition to our community, please call Linda or Anne-Marie at the rectory 733-5823.


Thank you..., The Dominican Sisters thank all who bought their baked good�s last weekend. $888 was raised from the bake sale.


Sunday Collection Report:


October 2/3: �������

������������������������������� Envelopes:��� $ 8,951��������� ������

����������������������� Loose:�� ��������1,087�����

����������������������� TOTAL:������ $10,038


Amount required each week:�� $11,100


Amount received on Sept 18/19: ���$10,038


Total amount ahead or (deficit) for the 12 month fiscal year beginning July 1, 2004:��� (deficit of $35,987)


����������� Thank you for supporting our Parish community!


To our Parishioners:


The annual financial report for fiscal year 7/1/03-6/30/04 will be sent to all registered parishioners during the week of October 31st. This report, like last year�s, will provide financial information to our parishioners regarding the financial condition of our parish. We thank our community for supporting the facilities and ministries of Holy Name.

��� ����

Remember to visit the Sisters of St. Joseph 21st Annual Craft Fair at Mont Marie in Holyoke the weekend of Oct. 8-10. The hours are 5pm-9pm on Friday evening, and 10am-5pm on Saturday and Sunday.


The Rectory office will be closed on Monday, October 11th in honor of Columbus Day.








Next Religious Education Class (CCD) scheduled for: Sunday, October 17th. Students are encouraged to attend the Children�s Mass with their families then go to their assigned classes. Classes run from 10:45am-12:00pm.


Special Children�s Liturgy: Sunday, October 17th at the 9:45 mass. All children and their parents who are preparing for First Penance/First Eucharist must attend this mass where we will conduct the Rite of Enrollment. More information will be mailed to you shortly on this special event!


First Penance Meeting for Parents Only: Sunday, October 17th in the Social Center from 10:45-12:00noon. All parents of children who are making their First Penance MUST attend this informational meeting, whether your child is in Holy Name School or in the Religious Education (CCD) program.


Next Confirmation Class Scheduled for: Sunday, November 7th at 6:30pm in the church. Confirmation candidates are required to attend the 5:30pm Mass with your families prior to class. Confirmation classes meet once a month, as a result attendance is mandatory.

Next Catechist & Classroom Assistant Workshop: Saturday, October 16th from 9am-10:30am in the rectory.


The Religious Education Office Hours: Mon, Wed, & Fri from 9AM-3PM. DRE: Rose Talbot-Babey736-4145.



Every Wednesday � Holy Name Social Center

Alderman Street 7:00-10:00 pm

Doors open at 4:00 pm � Bring a friend!

We need paper bags!


Last Chance for Youth Basketball Signups!!!!


����������������� ���� ��

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The Holy Name Athletic Association announces there will be basketball signups for boys and girls this weekend after each of the Sunday Masses Oct. 10th at the back door of the church. (If rain � in the Social Center).


K-2nd grade������� Instructional Fee - $30

3rd-8th grade���� C.Y.O. Fee - $70��

(please make checks payable to H.N.A.A.)�������������������������������������������������������












Sick or Shut-in Visits - Please let the rectory staff (733-5823) know when a friend or relative is in the hospital, in a nursing home or would like a visit at home from one of the priests or pastoral staff. If you have a request for the Prayer Line, please call Anne-Marie at the Rectory 781-1785.


1.We are in need of more Ministers of Holy Communion to visit the homebound. Please call Anne-Marie at 782-1785 if you are able to participate in this important ministry.


R.C.I.A., a program for adults seeking sacraments in the Catholic faith, meets on Monday, October11th at 6:30 in the rectory � 323 Dickinson Street.

Bibles will be given to the R.C.I.A. class as they continue their faith journey. If you would like to donate a bible in the memory of a loved one, please contact Karen Matz or Fr. John at the rectory (733-5823). The cost per bible is about $30.


Bulletin Advertiser of the Week: We would like to thank Maureen P. Ryan, Coldwell Banker Realtor for advertising in our weekly bulletin. Please patronize our bulletin advertisers.

The Holy Name Women�s Group will be collecting for Rays of Hope Cancer Walk after the Masses the weekend of October 16 & 17.


Each week we spotlight a particular website which may be of interest to some of our parishioners. This week�s website of the week:


A Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the Holy Name Men�s Club will be held on Sunday, October 17th in the Social Center from 8am-11am.


Catholic School Principals throughout the Diocese of Springfield including Holy Name School Principal Nelly de Carvalho were honored for their service to education at the 5th Annual Catholic Schools Endowment Dinner on Oct. 5th. Congratulations to Miss de Carvalho and all of the Diocesan Principals who work so hard for Catholic schools.Also....., we congratulate former Holy Name teacher Mrs. Stephanie Pouliot for being selected as a 2005 Recipient of the Sister Bette Gould Endowment for the Professional Advancement of Catholic School Teachers.


Wise Women Rock � Presented by Loretta LaRoche.Join Loretta as she shares her irreverent outlook on what it means to be a woman of today. Sunday, November 14 at 3:00 at Cathedral High School. Tickets are $25 in advance , $30 at the door. All proceeds to benefit the Center for Spiritual Direction. For informationor tickets call Mary Millimet at 567-0383.







Periodically in our new bulletin there will be a column, entitled, �And the WORD is�� This is a short reflection column that focuses on a specific word.


And the WORD is���




by Fr. John Connors


What does the Church teach about angels?Well here are ten (10) facts that the Church teaches based on scripture or on our catechism:


         The existence of angels is a truth of our faith.There are really angels.


         Angels are spiritual creatures who glorify God without ceasing; we often pray in the preface that immediately precedes the Holy, Holy, Holy that the angels sing in unending praise.


         Angels are pure spirits and have no bodies and do not depend on matter for existence.


         Angels are servants and messengers of God.


         Angels have been present since creation and throughout the history of salvation.They have served God in the divine plan; for instance, they saved Hagar and her child Ishmael in the desert during the time of Abraham; angels led God�s people in the desert; they have announced births and callings and assisted prophets.The angel Gabriel announced the birth of Jesus.


         Angels protected Jesus in his infancy, served him in the desert, and strengthened him in his agony in the garden.Angels were present to proclaim the Good News of Christ�s Incarnation to the Shepherds and to the women at the empty tomb they proclaimed the resurrection.


         We each have a guardian angel.The catechism tells us in paragraph 336: �Beside each believer stands an angel as protector and shepherd leading him or her to life.�


         Angels will be present at the coming of Christ in which they will announce his return and to serve at his judgment.




         Christ is the center of the angelic world; they are his angels; they belong to him because they were created through him and for him; they belong to him for he has made them messengers of his divine plan


         There are three archangels identified in Scripture: Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael.Gabriel�s primary function was to be a messenger, Michael�s was to defend, and Raphael was to protect and heal.


All of this information can hopefully bring us into a deeper understanding of the spiritual and give us an insight into our destiny.For one day all believers will join the angels in heaven singing praises to God we worship. The feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael was 9/29; the feast of the Guardian Angels was 10/2.


������ St. Jude Novena


Holy Name Parish will celebrate the St. Jude Novena October 20- October 28. Our annual St. Jude novena provides an opportunity for Spiritual reflection and growth. The novena prayer will be recited after each of the Sunday Masses and the Masses throughout the week. In addition, there will be special evening Masses at 7PM Wed., Oct. 20- Fri., Oct 22 and Mon., Oct. 25- Thurs., Oct. 28. Please join us at these special evening Masses. Let us use this opportunity to enhance our spiritual life.


$20,000 RAFFLE


Buy your tickets now for the $20,000 grand prize raffle. The drawing will be held on December 4th at the Holy Name Social Center. This is a benefit for the Holy name Social Center.

$100 per ticket. Only 500 tickets printed.

��� You may buy a ticket as a group.

Tickets are available from Linda at the rectory or from Lynn Patterson, Director of the Social Center, at 734-7113. Don�t miss out!!!


Parish Clean Up!!!!Help to spruce up our parish community by spending just a short time raking and bundling leaves.We are all stakeholders in our parish community.��� This is where we worship together, pray together, and join together. More information in next week�s bulletin�����







My Brothers and Sisters in Christ:


��������������� What greater gift could God give any of us than the gift of Himself?


��������������� It is just that we receive in the Eucharist. For the Eucharist is Jesus Christ, Son of God, son of Mary. The Eucharist is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Word made flesh, the man like us in all things but sin, the Jesus who walked the roads of Galilee, the Lord whose passion, death and resurrection overcame for us sin and death, the Christ who is the Savior of the world. The Eucharist is the Body and Blood, the Soul and Divinity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ � the Eucharist is Jesus Christ. That is our faith and our belief. That is the reality of the Lord�s words and actions at the Last Supper: �This is my body...this is the cup of my blood.�


��������������� We accept the reality, we profess the faith. But sometimes we can fail to appreciate the tremendous implications of having the Eucharistic gift.


��������������� Questions can arise, misunderstandings can occur � the meaning can be obscured.


��������������� We need clarity such as that given in a recent publication: The Gift of Faith, A Question and Answer Version of the Teaching of Christ. The authors take up one misunderstanding and offer insight and clarity. They write:


��������������� �Obviously Jesus does not take on a new miniature body to be present in the Eucharist. He has but one body, the body that once hung on the cross and is now at the right hand of the Father. What changes is not Jesus, or His glorious condition, but the number of places in which He is present. When bread is changed into His body, the one body of the Lord begins to be really present where there had been bread.�


��������������� They then go on to quote one of the Fathers of the Church:


��������������� �Instructed in these matters and certain in faith that what seems to be bread is not bread � though it tastes like it � but rather the Body of Christ, and that what seems to be wine is not wine � though it seems so to the taste � but the Blood of Christ....strengthen your heart by receiving this Bread as spiritual food and gladden the countenance of your soul.� (St. Cyril of Jerusalem)

��������������� To help all Catholics throughout the world �gladden the countenance� of their souls, and to refocus all of us on the reality of the Eucharist, our Holy Father, Pope Paul II, has designated October 2004 through October 2005 as the Year of the Eucharist. This will be an opportunity for individual Catholics and parish communities, for clergy, religious and laity, to refresh our understanding of the Eucharist, increase our appreciation of the gift we receive, and intensify our reverence for Christ present in this unique way.


��������������� Here in the Diocese of Springfield, we will additionally focus on the Eucharist as our source of healing. For there are, we know, unhealed hurts caused by some who were supposed to represent the Church, but instead caused harm. It is only in, with and through Christ that we can hope to bring about some measure of healing.


��������������� Therefore, in the Springfield Diocese, the Year of the Eucharist will focus on The Eucharist: Sign of Hope and Source of Healing. We will begin on Sunday, October 10 at 1:30pm in St. Michael�s Cathedral with a Service of Eucharistic Devotion focusing on Hope and Healing. We will continue with a Eucharistic Observance in a different deanery each month throughout the year until the whole diocese is covered and we return to the Cathedral for a closing of the Year of the Eucharist in October 2005. I invite every one to participate in at least one and hopefully more of the Observances.


��������������� It is my hope that the Year of the Eucharist will provide people and parishes with opportunities for a growth in Eucharistic understanding, an intensification of Eucharistic devotion, and a deepening of Eucharistic reverence. As I asked in the beginning: �What greater gift could God give any of us than the gift of Himself?� So, in this Year of the Eucharist I know we shall respond with a great growth in appreciation of the gift.


��������������� I pray that the Year of the Eucharist be for all of us a time of hope and a means of healing.

������������������������������������������������������������������������������� In Christ,

������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Timothy A. McDonnell

������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Bishop of Springfield


A NOTE FROM FR. JOHN:Each Tuesday at Holy Name Church we have the opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration from 9AM-5PM. Please come and join us for an opportunity for private prayer.