4:30��� ��Robert E. Murphy, by his wife and family
Sunday, 19 September Twenty-Fifth
Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00���� The Zepke�s, by the family
9:45�� ��Ill & Deceased Members of Forest Park Golden Age
������������ Club, by the Forest Part Golden Age Club
��������������� (Children�s Mass)
11:00���� Joseph Masdea, by his family
12:30���� Vietnamese Mass
5:30����� Sr. Ruth Dolores, ssj
(2nd Anniversary), by Sr. Ruth��
������������������������������� Virginia
Monday, 20 September
6:45���� Celebrant�s
8:15� ���Lillian Goldrich, by the family
6:45���� Celebrant�s Intention
8:15���� �Nicolino Carnevale, by his wife and family
5:30���� �St. Jude Novena Mass
6:45���� Holy Name Parishioners, by Fr. John
8:15���� Robert
O�Herron & Eleanor O�Herron, by the family
6:45���� Celebrant�s Intention
8:15���� Lorraine Boudreau (1st
Anniverary), by Terry Murphy
Friday, 24 September
6:45���� Celebrant�s Intention
8:15���� In Honor of 100th Birthday of
Bertha Morin, by Mary
�Del Negro
8:15���� Relatives
& Friends of Botta & Wysocki Family, by Mr. &
������������������������������� Mrs. Robert
�����Vietnamese Mass
4:30�� ��Howard & Anne Ryan & the Shea
Family, by Anne & Tom
Sunday, 26 September Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00�� �Dominick Devivo, Jr. by the family
9:45� ��Selma Arrab, her
(Children�s Mass)
11:00� ��Christine Weckerly, by her family
12:30��� Vietnamese Mass
5:30���� �Donald
White, by his wife, daughter & family
�� Sacred Scripture Readings
Sunday �� Amos 8:4-7; 1 Tim 2:1-8; Lk. 16: 1-13
Monday�� Prv. 3: 27-34; Lk. 8: 16-18
Tuesday �� Eph. 4: 1-7; Mt. 9: 9-13
Wednesday �� Prv. 30: 5-9; Lk. 9: 1-6
Thursday �� Eccl. 1:2-11; Lk. 9: 7-9
Friday � �Eccl. 3: 1-11; Lk. 9: 18-22
Saturday �
Eccl. 11: 9-12:8; Lk. 9: 43-45
Altar Servers for the Weekend of� Sept. 25/26 :
Sat. �4:30- C. James, J. James
Sun. 8:00-
M. Cignoli, E. Cignoli
������� 9:45-
H. Kos, A. Ngo
������ 11:00-� D. Hegarty, E. Hegarty, M. Hegarty
������ 5:30-
�J. Mejia, J. Reist
Altar Servers: Please pick up your new schedule in the sacristy
or...visit our website at www.holynamespringfield.org
and click on Liturgical Ministries.
Stop by the church on Tuesdays for
���� Every Tuesday � 9 AM to 5
Exposition immediately following the 8:15 AM
Tuesday� Mass...Closing Prayers and
Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament are at 5 PM followed by the 5:30 PM St.
Jude novena Mass.
Would you like to spend an hour in prayer an Tuesdays?
We need volunteers for adoration. If you have an hour open on Tuesdays, please
call Anne-Marie at 781-1785.
Calling all
Athletes!� The annual Blessing of the Athletes will be held on
Sunday, October 3rd at the 9:45 Mass.
�� Coffee and Donuts:� Want
to get to know members of your faith community? What better way than to spend a
few minutes after the first two Sunday mornings Masses meeting others! Please
join us in the Social Center after the
8AM and 9:45AM Masses for coffee, donuts, and conversation.
On Monday,
September 27th, an open forum for members of our parish and
other parishes in the area will be held at 7
PM in the Holy Name Social Center. Following a discussion on concerns
expressed in the last meeting in June, Laura Reilly from the Diocese will speak
on her responsibilities as Director for the Office of Social and Pastoral
Concern. Please join us for this informative and worthwhile program.
Training for those children interested in serving as
altar servers will begin on Tuesday,
September 28th at 7PM in the church. Look for brochures at the
entrances or call the Rectory at 733-5823 for information.
Have you
registered your child?
Registrations have begun for CCD classes, First
Penance/First Eucharist and Confirmation for the 2004/2005 year! We offer classes
for preschool through 10th grade. Registration forms are available at
the front of the church. Classes begin
Sunday, September 19th, right after the Children�s Mass.� Classes are from 10:45-12:00 noon in the
Dickinson Street Building of Holy Name School.
of September 26th � Special CCD Collection!� There will be
a special collection the weekend of Sept.25/26 to help support the Religious
Education Department at Holy Name. Please look for the specially �marked�
envelope in your envelope packet or place your donation in a regular envelope
and mark, �CCD� on it. This is a once
a year event. Please be generous and help support this great program!
The Religious
Education Office Hours: Mon,
Wed, & Fri from 9AM-3PM. DRE: Rose Talbot-Babey � 736-4145.
Wednesday � Holy Name Social Center
Alderman Street 7:00-10:00 pm
Doors open at 4:00 pm � Bring a friend!
We need paper bags!
Congratulations Sister Cathy!
Former Pastoral Minister at Holy Name and Sister of
St. Joseph Catherine Leary has been elected to the position of Secretary in a
national organization of women religious.
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR)
has nearly 1,000 members who are elected leaders of their religious orders,
representing 75,000 U.S. Catholic sisters. The Conference develops leadership,
promotes collaboration within church and society and serves as a voice for
systemic change. We congratulate Sr. Cathy in this new role.
Organizations: If you use the Social
Center for meetings and/or events, you
must contact Lynn Patterson, Social
Center Director, at 734-7113 to book
your events.�
Youth Basketball Signups!!!!
The Holy Name Athletic Association announces there will be basketball signups for boys and girls next week after each of the Masses next week on Saturday 9/25 at 4:30pm, on Sunday 9/26 at 8am, 9:45am, 11:00am and 5:30pm for all students from kindergarten through 8th grade in area schools.�
Sick or
Shut-in Visits - Please
let the rectory staff (733-5823) know when a friend or relative is in the
hospital, in a nursing home or would like a visit at home from one of the
priests or pastoral staff. If you have a request for the Prayer Line, please call Anne-Marie
at the Rectory 781-1785.
1.� We are in need
of more Ministers of Holy Communion to visit the homebound. Please call
Anne-Marie at 782-1785 if you are able to participate in this important
��������������� Are you an Adult
and have not received the
Sacrament of Confirmation?�
Prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at Holy Name Parish by joining our RCIA group.� We will meet Monday evenings from 10/4/04 to 3/21/05 for one hour from 6:30�7:30pm at the Holy Name Rectory.� Learn more about your faith in new and exciting ways while preparing for the sacrament.�
If you have not been baptized and/or received 1st Communion you are invited as well.� If you would like to know more information or if you just want to try us out please contact the RCIA Director, Karen Matz by leaving a message at 733-5823.
Thank you for your generosity in filling our pantry shelves
again!� Our neighbors who are need are
very appreciative of this community service.
Holy Name Women�s Group is sponsoring an afternoon of
reflection and fellowship on Sunday, September 19th from 2-4pm at
the Social Center. Guest speaker Patrice MacArthur, M.A.A.T., editor of the Spiritual Woman newsletter, will be
speaking on �Finding God in the Every Day�. Refreshments will be served. For
more info, call Mary Greeley 731- 9596.
to vote? November will be here before
you know it. If you have not registered to vote in the upcoming election there
will be voter registration table set up by one of the Church entrances after
the Masses this weekend only (Sept. 18-19).
The Sisters
of St. Joseph will be selling raffle
tickets for the 21st craft festival Oct. 8-10 after all the Masses
the weekend of September 25 & 26.
Each week we spotlight a particular website which may
be of interest to some of our parishioners. This week�s website of the week: www.iobserve.org.
������ Question Box�
My daughter will be receiving Confirmation next
year.� I know it is important but what
exactly is the purpose and meaning of the sacrament?
Confirmation is the sacrament
through which the Holy Spirit comes to us in a special way to strengthen us in
living out our faith as witnesses of Jesus.�
It was a sacrament instituted by Jesus who promised to send the Holy
Spirit to remain with his church forever.�
The Apostles administered the sacrament after Pentecost.�
In the Acts of the Apostles
we read:
��Philip went down to the town of Samaria and there proclaimed the
Messiah�..when the Apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the
word of God, they sent Peter and John to them.�
The two went down to these people and prayed that they might receive the
Holy Spirit.� It had not as yet come
down upon any of them since they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord
Jesus.� The pair upon arriving imposed
hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit� (Acts 8:5; 14-17)
After proper preparation,
your daughter will receive the sacrament of Confirmation by a laying on of
hands, an anointing of chrism, and by words of prayer prescribed in the approved
liturgical books.�
Pope John Paul II summed up
the sacrament in when he spoke to a group of confirmation students in 1982:
�Christ�s gift of the Holy Spirit is going to be
poured out upon you in a particular way.�
You will hear the words of the Church spoken over you, calling upon the
Holy Spirit to confirm your faith, to seal you in His love, to strengthen you
for His service.� You will then take
your place among fellow Christians in the world, full citizens of the People of
God.� You will witness to the truth of
the Gospel in the name of Jesus Christ.�
You will live you lives in such a way as to make holy all human
life.� Together with all the confirmed,
you will become living stones in the cathedral of peace.� Indeed you are called by God to be
instruments of His peace.�
the Face of Jesus: A day of
renewal with Fr. Tom Di Lorenzo will be held on Sat., Sept. 25th
from 9-4 at Cathedral High School. Cost $20 includes lunch. For tickets call
732-3433. This event is sponsored by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the
Diocese of Springfield.
36th Anniversary
of Holy Name Church
Part II
On September 8, 2004, Holy Name Church
was 36 years old. Beginning last week, we recall some of the history that is
behind our new church.
The new Holy Name Church was dedicated by Monsignor
Walter Connell on September 8, 1968. He blessed and set in place the church�s
cornerstone which is located on the corner in front of the church at the
Dickinson Street exit. He blessed with holy water the exterior and interior of
the building.
Among the guests for the dedication were Springfield�s
Mayor Frank Freedman, the Very Reverend Norbet Dorsey, C.P., provincial
consultor of the Passionist Fathers, and a variety of other clergy and guests.
William Fitzgerald was the lector, Vickie Hebert directed the choir and C.
Irving Guyer was at the organ. Auxiliary Bishop Timothy J. Harrington of
Worcester was also present.
Annual Red
Mass at St. Michael�s Cathedral: Bishop
Timothy McDonnell will celebrate the annual Red Mass on Sun., Oct 3 at 4:00 PM at the cathedral. This Mass is held in
dioceses across the U.S. to ask God�s blessing upon all protectors and
administrators of the law, including judges, lawyers and those involved in the
legal system.
This year�s honorees will include, Judge William T.
Walsh, Judge Thomas J. Curley, Jr., Judge Daniel M. Keyes, Jr., Attorney John
M. Callahan, Attorney Charles F. McCarthy, Attorney Mary Egan Boland and Rev.
Curtis L. Shaird.
The celebration of the Mass is open to the public.
Tickets to the reception at the Marriott can be obtained from Atty. William
Kern at 734-3119 or Atty. Edward McDonough at 737-0260 or Atty. James
Tourtleotte at 732-2301.
Reminder:� Saturday, September 25th is the annual parish bus trip to New York City. Cost
is $30 per person. Depart: Holy Name parking lot at 7:30AM. Depart NYC at 7PM.
Call Tom Burke at 733-6015 for reservations and information.
to benefit
FIRST PRIZE������ $20,000
SECOND PRIZE�� �� $1,000
THIRD PRIZE����� ������
Drawing to be held on December
at Holy Name Social Center
53 Alderman Street
$100 per
Only 500
tickets will be printed
For Information Call Linda
at the Rectory 733-5823
Tickets on Sale at the
Rectory Office