Religious Education
Registration for Religious Education is going on now!
Download forms here in .pdf format or call Director of Religious Education Claudine Bouchard Collins at 733-5823 x123 or email at [email protected]
There is a $40 fee per student ($70 per family) for registered parishioners ($45 per student and $75 per family if registration is after September 12th). If cost is a concern, please do not let this stop you from registering your children. Please let us know and we will work with you. Thank you.
Religious Education Registration Form
RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Fact sheet
What is it? A journey in which adults become full, active, participating members of the Catholic Church
- grow in their relationship with God
- become familiar with Catholic teachings and practices
- receive all or individually needed Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist)
The steps of the Journey
Period of Inquiry
How someone comes to consider joining the Catholic Church is unique to each individual.
- Desire to receive sacraments
- Marriage
- Faith experience or period of searching
Rite of Acceptance
This is called the Period of the Catechumenate
- Formal study of the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church
- The Church claims these men and women for Christ by signing them with the cross. Inquirers declare their faith
Rite of Election
Catechumens are
- Called to receive the sacraments by the bishop
- In Lent the elect, as well as the parish, pray in a special way to prepare them more fully for the sacraments.
Initiation and Mystagogia
On Holy Saturday, the Easter Vigil, the primary celebration of the Lord’s resurrection, the elect celebrate their baptism, confirmation, and/or first eucharist.
The journey of faith lasts a lifetime. The weeks after Easter are a time for new Catholics to seek out their place in the parish community.
If you have questions please feel free to call Deacon Michael Hodges or Fr. Mark Mengel at 733-5823. We look forward to hearing from you.
Adapted from the R.C.I.A., Liturgical Publishings