School Lunch Program

The Cafeteria is available to all children. We invite all of our parents to consider the hot lunch program. A well-balanced meal is prepared daily at a minimum cost. A monthly menu is sent home before the beginning of each month. A token system is also used so that parents, with their children can select as many or as few meals as they wish and purchase tokens accordingly. Reduced lunch tokens can only be purchased on token day (Wednesdays). If the students are absent on token day, Reduced lunch tokens can be purchased in the lunchroom the following day. Please remember to send the exact amount. Hot lunch is $2.25 per day. Children who bring their own lunch may purchase milk for .50 and juice for .35. Token money is collected on Wednesdays. Tokens are distributed on Thursdays to the homeroom teachers. When purchasing tokens we advise that you pay by check make out to Diocese of Springfield Lunch Program in order to avoid misplaced lunch money. No change is given, so the checks must be exact or no tokens will be distributed to that child. A child may purchase a hot lunch for $2.25 at anytime using exact change.
Holy Name School participates in the National School Lunch Program. Parents may apply for free or reduced lunch or breakfast at anytime during the school year.

should be pleasant and safe for everyone. Children are not to leave their seat while eating lunch. Throwing food, or disrespect to any teacher, cafeteria personnel or volunteers will not be tolerated. All food will be eaten in the cafeteria and no food or drink will be taken out to the school year.
Faculty supervision is provided in the cafeteria as well as on the schoolyard. In the schoolyard children are to play in the assigned areas. Tackle football and wrestling are not allowed during recess or at any other time. Throwing snowballs, sticks or rocks are not allowed.

During inclement weather indoor recess is permitted. The gymnasium will be used, if available, for a walking, talking recess. Recreating in the classrooms may also occur. Students are to sit quietly and enjoy conversation, games, puzzles, or other activities available to them. Appropriate behavior is expected at all times. Violations of classroom rules will be subject to disciplinary action.