SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM-RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCES Holy Name School recognizes that preparation for the celebration of Sacraments is the primary responsibility of the parents within the context of the parish community. The religious education staff of Holy Name Parish is responsible for the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation. Parents and their children are required to participate in these programs. If your child has not received these sacraments by second grade, please notify the Religious Education Office of Holy Name Parish. Liturgy and other prayer experiences play a vital role in the life of the students of Holy Name School. The School mass is celebrated together on Holy Days of Obligation, First Fridays of each month and on other special occasions, except when otherwise noted. We begin each day with prayer. In addition, our students also participate in special preparations for Advent and Lent. These occasions are creatively prepared through word, song, and dance and are intended to encourage our children to take an active part in a variety of religious experiences. Other religious events are also celebrated throughout the year, especially personal reflection during Adoration on Thursdays of each month. Hopefully, these opportunities to gather in faith as a school community will be meaningful to all involved. Parents are strongly encouraged to participate in all these celebrations. |